During the Holiday season, Lake Lanier Islands always host a Night of Lights tour! This has been going on for years....we use to go all the time in Highschool....just to give us something to do! It is actually quite amazing how they can generate some many lights...it is crazy! When you get done with the tour of lights....there is a BIG gift shop and TWO HUGE fire pits where you can roast mashmellows and drink Hot Chocolate. There is also a mini carnival that most kids enjoy doing....pending the weather! We haven't been in awhile and went with a group of friends in an R.V. and toured the lights. It actually was pretty cool because the kids were able to sit at the windows and look at everything while the adults were in awe as well or just relaxing!
Monday, December 21, 2009
NIghts of Lights
During the Holiday season, Lake Lanier Islands always host a Night of Lights tour! This has been going on for years....we use to go all the time in Highschool....just to give us something to do! It is actually quite amazing how they can generate some many lights...it is crazy! When you get done with the tour of lights....there is a BIG gift shop and TWO HUGE fire pits where you can roast mashmellows and drink Hot Chocolate. There is also a mini carnival that most kids enjoy doing....pending the weather! We haven't been in awhile and went with a group of friends in an R.V. and toured the lights. It actually was pretty cool because the kids were able to sit at the windows and look at everything while the adults were in awe as well or just relaxing!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Apples and Pumpkins

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Braylen's stat's
And the pictures: the one is the chair is at her friend Pierce's house....all he kids love his rocking chair and the second one is why I HAVE TO KEEP MY EYES ON HER AT ALL TIMES.....at least I didn't take a picture of her drinking it...not good!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Braylen's 1 year pics

Saturday, September 19, 2009
Happy 1st Birthday Braylen

Friday, September 11, 2009

The pictures below was Braylen's first day at PLAYSCHOOL! She was so cute with her bookbag and all....I just wish it would stay on her shoulders so I could get a picture! I think she likes playschool and having the teachers love on her. She loves to sit in laps so I am assuming she has already got the teachers doing that for her. I have had good reports on her except she crys every time they vaccum after lunch....I think that is so weird because I don't vaccum....so I guess just a new noise that scares her.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Almost 1 years old...
The day Braylen turned 11 mths was the day I started the weaning process from breast milk! At that time I was only nursing twice a day, morning and evening. I decided to drop the evening feeding first, based on the fact that she usually falls asleep while I am nursing her and has become dependent on that putting her to sleep....most of the time she hardly even finishes her milk. So the process wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. I tried putting her STORAGE milk in bottles and give it to her before she goes to bed but she wouldn't take it from me at all and then we learned quickly she didn't want the bottle at all either no matter who was feeding it to her. So then I switched the STORAGE milk to her sippy cups and started giving it to her before dinner and let her have it till she finishes.....this has WORKED WONDERFULLY and has been a success! As for me, it only took about a good 3 days for my breast to realize that I didn't need milk in the evenings anymore!
So I do still feed her in the mornings and plan on dropping that a week before she actually turns the BIG ONE! I think it will be more difficult on my part than hers but I am SO READY to be done! Once I run out of my STORAGE milk then I will start giving her Whole Milk...well actually I am going to start putting a little in her sippy cup with the breast milk so the taste isn't a complete shock to her.
That has been the big change thus far, still no walking....just pushing items and standing....she might take a step or two but that is it! She is defining more words and definitely is starting to mimick what we do. She holds the phone up to her ear, she trys to brush her hair with the comb, she just copies me or Grant....it is hilarious! We look forward to her party and I can't wait to tell you all about it!