Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Braylen's stat's

I so forgot to let you know what Braylen's stats were when she went to her 1 year check up. Our fierce Braylen is 20lbs 10.8 oz. and is 30 inches tall. Girl is growing so fast and changing like crazy! She walks everywhere and sometimes wants to turn it into a run...which is funny because her little feet just get swept right out from under her....and yes...she really does have little feet. Anyways, that doctors appt. was good, she did well with the shots and the doctor checking everything out but what she didn't do well with was the doctor getting her to open her mouth. I had asked them to check her teeth because on her upper left gum she has had this bruised looking spot (still there) and we were concerned about it being infected by the tooth/molar trying to come through. They said it was fine and gave her a NASTY persription to help push it through. Speaking of the was so was taking BOTH of us to hold her down and just quirt it in her was awful and I ended up not giving it to her for the whole length of time because we couldn't handle it...ugh! as I said previously her left Molar has not come in but her vampire (I9) teeth are coming in along with the upper right and bottom right molars have broken skin. So I am thinking that perscription pushed all the other teeth out except for the one we wanted...haha! Braylen has a mouth full of teeth...I hope they turn out pretty one day. Oh and since I am touching on the teething...I can honestly say we had a ROUGH, ROUGH...and did I say ROUGH....3 weeks or more of teething. I just didn't know if we were going to make it. It was tough on her which made it tough on us.....shhishhhh....I am glad we are somewhat done with that...she was a MONSTER.....not exaggerating!

On another note...Braylen is a wonderful little girl and deals with people VERY WELL! However, she is fiesty and can throw a temper tantrum like no other....she is definitely testing me.....for sure! Sometimes I feel like I don't have a sweet little kid or a chill kid (and I don't) but I just want her to be fun, calm, loving (and she is)....I guess I am just having a hard time explaining it! I know she needs dicipline and we are me....and I know she is a SUPER BUSY BODY....but why can't she just be content sometimes....?!?! Hopefully this is just a stage and when she can talk more and tell us what she wants or will become less stressful.

Geez...I feel like I have just unloaded on all of you and I know I have so much more....but I will hold off till next time! My next post will be on the fun Apple Orchard we went to (with pictures) and the Pumpkin patch which we are doing this readers....much to look forward to! :)

And the pictures: the one is the chair is at her friend Pierce's house....all he kids love his rocking chair and the second one is why I HAVE TO KEEP MY EYES ON HER AT ALL least I didn't take a picture of her drinking it...not good!

1 comment:

The Lichtenberg's said...

Hilarious pictures! I love this post and it's great to know that other little girls are testing their Mommy's everyday :) Luckily it's just a stage that typically only lasts about 2-3 weeks at a time and then they are back to normal but then a couple months later they try it again. Stay strong and just know it will pass! I can't believe what a toddler she is starting to look like, such a cutie!