Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Still a changing.....

Braylen is still changing daily as you can only imagine! She LOVES to eat.....really....I am wondering if she will ever become that true toddler that doesn't care about her food. Grant calls her a CARB baby.....I think it is just natural for toddlers to eat that kind of stuff, goldfish, cheerios, animal crackers......! She loves blueberries, bananas, sometimes apples, is not a Veggie fan at all. Likes beans, edamame, turkey dogs, chicken nuggets, sweet potatoes, raisin toast, cheese, turkey pepperoni, and cereal bars! I try to explore new things daily but sometimes she just won't budge.

This past weekend, we had some of our very good friends over to visit. It was so much fun! They usually come stay with us in the Fall during her fall break and the early Spring visit was unexpected.....we hope that can become a tradition also. Katie and Scott have a little boy named Maddox and boy is he a sweetie. He loved on Braylen, and kissed and hugged her all weekend. They were literally two peas in a pod. When one did something, the other did something. More like Braylen followed Maddox around the whole time....but Maddox was such a good friend and was VERY kind to Braylen. They always wanted to watch movies, play on the stairs, or throw the ball. Here are some pics below with the two of them.

In talking about food earlier. I like to make a protein shake about 3 itmes a week. I am addicted to them and they are VERY good for you and TASTY. Braylen watches me make them and not sure when I did, but one time I gave her a sip......so now everytime I make them she wants one also. So I make just enough to fill up both of our cups. The picture below clearly explains that she really enjoyed her Blueberry smoothie!

Ever since Braylen started sleeping in her own room, I have always played relaxing music in there.....my thought was because when we would have people over (which we do often) that the music would drown us out downstairs....however....kids these days are such HEAVY sleepers that she probably wouldn't wake anyways. Speaking of her music though....she loves to turn on the CD player and start dancing....so we like to go to her room and turn on the music and sing and dance....it is fun...you should try it!

Braylen is also into SUPER WHY! What a great show, and I swear she will start singing her ABC's from that show....! I never thought I would see the day that she actually sat down and really watched the show....! Her cartoons have always been on in the background but she has never really paid any attention to them until lately. So I was excited to see her watch Super Why......most of you might not agree....but I do think the kids can learn from some of the educational programs....!

So Braylen was all dressed and ready to go to school this day and I had to grab a snap shot of her outfit. I thought it was so cute. The vest was given to her by her favorite friend Lauren.....and she lOVES it. ANd then the shoes....that you really can't see.....are hightop CONVERSE....yep....that's right.....these were given to her by her Aunt Lis, Uncle Adam, and Bodie. Converse are a big deal in my family....if you know my dad at all...you know that the only shoes he wears are converse.....so this was exciting to see his grandbaby in Converse shoes.....! They do look pretty darn cute as well!

Well....that is all the pictures and what has happened throughout the month. She is speaking a lot more words....no sentences yet but words are cominig. She is definitely understanding me more and knows what is right and wrong....KIND OF! :) She is interacting with all of our closest kid friends a lot more also. That is very exciting because we do things with them often so it is nice to see her wanting to be a part and play along. Braylen is still obsessed with reading books....which is WONDERFUL....! You can do anything to excite her but the minute you say "wanna read" she gets tickled to death. Hope you enjoyed the update!


Becka said...

LOVE reading about that little girl! I totally get the changes and growing you talk about. We love Super Why AND the way the pig sings his ABCs is the best! It's a frequent song we sing while changing diapers.
I love her little person qualities popping up!
Love the converse shoes...so Uncle JB and the belt is too cute!

Love you Bray!

Becka said...

Oh and I laughed about the singing and dancing...you play relaxing music and I turn on the bathroom fan! Ha! You're such a good mommy! :)

Julie said...

Hey! Big girl - her hair is getting so long! I too love the converse! I laughed when I read that! My girls still love super why and word world!!! I am definitely not opposed to some educational shows - mine are going to watch something (bc there are times when I would like them to sit still and focus on something besides what they want from me) :-) and alphabet shows are great (sid the science kid is great too - Abigail has learned a lot from that show)
anyway, great to keep up, I'm planning to come up sometime this year (probably before august bc Abigail starts school then!)
love you!

Lindsey @ The Hill House said...

Brandon has a pair of Converse shoes too! They are so cute on the babies! I'm planning on getting my niece a pair as well, but can't decide if I want pink or purple ones! :) Braylen is so cute; I can't believe how long her hair is though!

Anonymous said...

Yay....I love the pictures!!! Maddox had so much fun with Braylen and was so sad to leave her. We definitely need to make this a yearly tradition to go along with our annual fall trip. We love you guys and can't wait to see you again soon!