Thursday, June 10, 2010

Nahni is all grown up....

So I generally just do post about my little Schmeelk family but I just had to post about our Nahni (a.k.a Hannah) and her actually graduating Highschool.

First, let me start out and say how extremely proud we are of Hannah. She doesn't have all the confidence in the world and at times wanted to give up but she put her trust in God and pulled through and was able to graduate and also get HOPE (scholarship for 3.0 and above in GA)

I am definitely emotional about Hannah graduating. It is such a bitter sweet feeling. I am very excited for her new journey in life and know that she will be an amazing young woman but I am also very sad at the same time. Hannah is leaving us! Our family is extremely close as most know, especially the sisters, and having Hannah leave is like losing a best friend. I see Hannah every week and love having our chats. I know we will still be able to catch up here and there but it won't be the same not having her around all the time. Hannah is a very good kid and loves God and loves her family.......I envy that. It took me a good while to realize what GOD/family/friends really meant but Hannah knows and holds onto it tight. And with that being said, I don't want anyone to think that I am not excited for her but she will just be missed in my household.....LOTS!

On another note.....this picture doesn't have Braylen in it...she was very sick.....and that I will touch on at the end of this post but it was SAD for us and for Hannah to not have Bray around. Nahni and Hannah have a one of a kind relationship....! Never knew my little baby girl would love MY sister as much as she does. Braylen wakes up asking for Nahni, Nahni can be the topic of the day for Braylen, and when she sees Hannah, she never wants to leave her side. When Hannah starts her college years ( in August at Valdosta State University....go Hannah....) Braylen will miss her dearly and I know Hannah will miss her Braylen. Their relationship is indiscribable and I get tears in my eyes just thinking how things are going to change....not for the worst, but for the good, but still just change can be SAD. What is even more sad is that this new baby girl (still trying to decide on a name....Carson or Brittan are in the running as of now,) probably won't have the same relationship with Nahni as Braylen does....only because Hannah will now be 4 hours away and won't be seen as much as we see her now. I hate thinking about that but it is true....but time to move on....right!?!?!

Hannah's graduation was an eventful time. It started off with her being recognized at church for graduating....there were several seniors that graduated from the church so the process was lengthy. They were given AWESOME bibles that Dr. Lee is such a neat Bible. And then she had a graduation party/gathering on memorial day at mom and dad's house. Her friends were there, neighbors, her coaches, her family (Granddad, Grandmom, Mama, Papa, Lis, Adam, Bodie, Grant, Braylen, and me) and then a few others...that I didn't know.....oh and yes...good ole Roger.....and his parents came as well. The food was yummy and the talking/socializing was nice! Braylen was a treat for us because she got sick at her party which took a funny turn....I will fill in later. Then her graduation day was in the afternoon at the Gwinnett Civic Center....great place to have it! We all went to celebrate her getting her diploma and then went to a nice dinner afterwards. This was wonderful family time and I hope Hannah enjoyed it. She got some wonderful congratulatory gifts from some great just made me remember the days of graduating highschool and college. Loving all the gifts but had mixed emotions....not sure what to think or what is next in the journey of life......just weird you guys remember the day you graduated or during that time and how you felt?

The picture below is also a bitter sweet picture. I know DAD is super excited for Hannah but I also know that he is SAD at the same time. All his girls are grown up but more importantly his Hannah B. is leaving to go to college. I thought the day that she got her drivers license was tough on him and mom...not being needed anymore, gaining independency but I feel that this experience is going to hit him harder....not so much right now but the day they leave her at College and travel back on the roads and realize she won't be home until she wants to come visit....or in Hannah's case....needs! Dad and Hannah have also had a VERY special relationship together....well we each have a special relationship with our parents but this one ws different. I never was Daddy's little girl and HANNAH most certainly was. They have a love/hate connection that is very fun to observe. They are like best friends to the extent....on how they talk to each and treat each is crazy....even more crazy to know if I ever talked to my dad like Hannah does or how Dad talks to Hannah....not sure what would have happened. But once again, their relationship is unique and special and it is going to be a SAD first month when she leaves. HOWEVER, at least dad has BRAYLEN and BRAYLEN has her POPPIE.....which is a relationship that will always be dear to my heart. I just talked about how much Braylen and hannah love each other....Poppie and Braylen might have that relationship! will be nice for dad to have Braylen still and also the new little baby girl as well!

Wow, okay, this turned into a longer post than I thought. Lots of THOUGHTS and emotions flying around but I am glad and thankful that I am able to share this with you all. Hannah is such a wonderful person, she has a heart of GOLD, and she is the best sister, bestfriend, and AUNT, in the world!
Valdosta is in for a treat......Hannah, way to continue the tradition! (SIDE NOTE: Elisabeth, Adam, Grant, and I all went to Valdosta)

***Braylen being sick....she had diarhea for 2 WEEKS.....liquid....bad! She also threw up in her bed a few times as well. Even though this stuff was taken place, Braylen was still happy as can be so I just assumed everything was okay or that she was teething or something....! We went to Valdosta this past weekend for Hannah's orientation and Braylen's sickness went to the extreme. Excessive diarhea and vomitting in her car seat going and was disgusting/ name it....but so SAD because Bray didn't feel good and I didn't know how to was tough but I thank my wonderful family for being around and helping me out and keeping things calm....! I did take her to the doctor to at least let them decide what was up...even though she was starting to act normal again....! She FORTUNATELY had an accident there so they took samples and said it smelled like ROTA VIRUS....(what....a virus has a smell....weird!) Anyways, it isn't treated with has to play it's course but they HIGHLY recommend pumping her with Probiotics, no juices, only the BRAT diet and no dairy. Sure enough....our Braylen...knock on back to normal and having SOLID diapers....wahoo! I didn't know what I was about to do with, changing, gagging, you name it.
Oh and for the mothers of youngens out there....they said that every kid before the age of 5 will catch Rota can be found in childcare centers and them constantly putting their GERMY hands in their wash up ladies!


Even God Is Single said...

whoa - a lotta emotion in that post!! I had chills and misty eyes!!


Julie said...

I love to hear all the details - what a fun time for Hannah! I barely remember that time in my life. It's crazy to think after 2 marriages, and almost 3 kids, you're family is back at a HS graduation! What is the year difference between you and Hannah?
Love you all! Can't wait to see you all in Alabama!