Thursday, August 26, 2010

Potty Training..

So this is going to be a brief update on Braylen's potty training. I failed to grab pictures but always wanted to but it was the last thing on my mind when she was making such great progress! So it all started this past Sunday.....I wanted to at least have a little help from Grant so that is why we started that day. We chose to do the 3 day potty training bootcamp. You can google it if you want but ours was more of a 5 day! So Sunday was pretty start them out with a bare she had a shirt on but nothing on the bottom. I would ask about every 5-10 minutes, do you need to go potty? Or let's go sit on the potty? Every time we did it, she never went but she always had accidents.....thank goodness all the accidents were on the hardwoods. But anyways, we ended Sunday with success she actually went potty in the potty and got her first REWARD (a silly band) and actually I was SO EXCITED...she got a sucker too! :) BELOW IS THE PICTURE OF HER SILLY BANDS....EVERYTIME SHE WENT SHE GOT A BAND...not sure the face but she wanted to take the picture....wierd!

Then Monday rolled around....went potty in potty twice that morning and then from there till lunch, nothing but accidents. I called Grant at lunch time and told him...I give up....she just isn't grasping it and isn't ready...! I was really calling to get the okay from him to give up but he really didn't say much except for can you at least just finish out the 3 days? So feeling down and out...we go upstairs to get ready for her nap....and I put her in her pull up and she runs into a corner and just looks at me...I said..."Do you need to go potty" and she said "YES" so we go and she was like a MIRACLE....ha! So when she went down for her nap, I was excited and ready to finish out the day with nothing but good potty stories. So she woke up and pottied and it all just started clicking. We had an accident that evening but I was SO OKAY with that.....accidents are going to happen.......! Then Tuesday rolled around and she was doing FANTASTIC! We decided to get out for a bit to test her in public and we went to Walmart and visited that bathroom 3 times and never went but when we were checking out....she is standing by the candy bars and there she goes to peeing. This is where the challenge is....she doesn't know how to tell me she has to go! So on the way home....we pulled over 3 times with the hatch up and her trying to go was actually funny because someone even pulled over to see if we were! Wednesday....still going strong...except for at gymnastics she had an accident, fortunately I caught her grab herself and so I swooped her up and she couldn't hold it any longer. However, that accident was my fault....I didn't have her go potty right when we got there, I guess I didn't see a need since she just went right before we left. My mistake but mark my word we potty right before we leave, when we arrive, several times while we are there, before we leave, and when we get home. That is the new routine until she fully tells me she has to go or she can hold it. So then today is Thursday and I had a doc's appt (that will be in the next blog) and she went right before we left, right when we got there, I was about to get an ultrasound and I asked her and she said we leave everything so she can go, the when we are leaving she goes POOP and then I make my appts for next time and then I take her to pee one last time.......the best part about this morning is we didn't have ONE PUBLIC accident....she did such an amazing job and is becoming such a BIG GIRL! She loves being called a "BIG GIRL" or a "BIG KID" like her friends Caleb, Reese, Pierce, and Mason! PICTURE BELOW IS BRAYLEN DOING THE POTTY DANCE.....she loves the dance and leads GRANT AND I BEHIND HER doing a TRAIN AND doing the dance together....too fun!

So we aren't perfect yet but we have made some HUGE progress and we AREN'T going back to diapers. So as much as it takes out of me to get her to the potty every 10 or 20 mins...I will do it until she has this thing nailed down. I am SUPER PROUD of her and she has made transitioning seem easy breezy....well not so much easy breezy but a lot less stressful than I once thought it was going to be. So TWO THUMBS up for BRAY!

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