(This is a picture before we went to celebrate the 4th of July with friends)
Yesterday we finally went to Carsen's 9mth checkup! Everything seemed great and Dr. Khan said she LOOKED FABULOUS!
She is 17lbs and 26.5 inches......she is on the smaller scale but by the looks of her you would NEVER guess that! Carsen is FULL of squeezable rolls....love her!
What I have learned about Carsen in this last month is she is becoming very independent and letting me know when she wants something or when she doesn't! She swats at a spoon in her face. She swats at you trying to wipe her nose. She grabs at anything you are eating. She grunts at you when she wants something. She screams at you when she doesn't want something! I personally feel this has all come about because she has been swatting at Braylen for the last few months.....lol!
Braylen has an attitude but certainly doesn't swat at you and can be very patient when told. Carsen on the other hand...won't have it....it she doesn't want to be pinned down she squirms and wiggles her way through. I am saying this because at the doctor yesterday...Carsen didn't want the nurse of Dr. Khan touching her. Braylen was always VERY okay with it and patient but would wimper because she didn't like it. Carsen...was basically like....UMM NO...don't touch me! Who would have thunk....that sweet little baby Carsen was going to be fiesty....dear lord...HELP! :)
(This picture is of Carsen riding on her toy and Braylen is pushing her around...they were having a blast)
(I posted this because I LOVE BRAYLEN'S hair...she has gorgeous hair that HUMIDITY LOVES....it makes her wavy curls turn into ringlets....now if only I was good with doing hair...ha)