Sunday, January 10, 2010

A wrap of of the Holidays!

Our Holidays were filled with EVENTS as usual! We started off with celebrating Christmas with Grant's family the night before Christmas Eve.....Grant's brothers wife Jodi, is a nurse and had to work on Christmas we celebrated with them while they were in town. That was a wonderful visit but TOO SHORT....we do wish we had more time with them. I don't have any pictures of that night....Grant's parents do if I ever get them...I will share. Christmas Eve is a BIG tradtion day for the Bodie side of the family. We always go to the Olive Garden, then a movie, then Church, and then we do a certain activity after church....sometimes it has been looking at lights, others times it is just hanging out. This year, however, we switched it up since there are two kiddos in the picture now. We decided to do away with the movie and come back to my house after church and make ginger bread houses and enjoy some appetizers. That was a fun got competitive at first but then all of our houses's roofs started falling definitely takes patience which I have little of. Suprisingly Dad and Mom's house ended up holding up and making it to end, which shocked us because they had the most problems putting it together in the beginning...haha! Below are some pictures of that night.
Christmas Day was WONDERFUL! Going to get Braylen out of her crib to find what Santa left her was more exciting for us than probably for her this year! A lot of our photage is on VIDEO but below are some pictures to share! We opened at our house first...then got dressed and quickly made it over to Grammie and Poppie's house (my parents) and ate breakfast (traditional monkey bread.....delish) and then spent the next couple hours opening gifts. We then cleaned up...relaxed....munched on food as always, and layed around and watched a movie. Grant, Braylen, and I then loaded up and headed over to his Aunt's house for his side of the family Christmas celebration. We did dinner over there and watched Grandmother open her gifts.
Our day was jammed packed while bouncing around from house to house but it was wonderful and Braylen sure did enjoy her day and all the FUN GIFTS she got!

Our Holiday was FULL of JOY, FAMILY, and FRIENDS and we hope yours was as well! There was so much more that we did but this is just a small wrap of it.
***Side note**** I am posting this late but as I speak we are dealing with one of Braylen's worst sickness. She hasn't been sick a lot but this has been pretty good. It started off with coughing, nasty boogery nose, and very clingly.....then turned into FEVER on and off and throwing up. About that time she threw up is when I called the doctor and scheduled her an appt. When we FINALLY made it to her appt. (that is another story in itself) and they said she had RSV. That is a THICK cold for you and I but for her it is pretty bad....and it is deep into the Lungs....which could lead to Pnemonia (sp?) They put her on an Antibiotic and just as I am thinking she is getting better....she starts this screaming bloody murder on and off episode and waking up for 2 hours in the middle of the night....just unusual behavior. Braylen hasn't woken up in the middle of the night since about 3 months lie! Anywho, I want to blame the Antibiotic but I called the nurse and they said that shouldn't be it, Grant swears it is her BACK MOLARS (the final teeth coming in.) That theory doesn't suprise me since she has been a VERY early teether. I didn't believe that that was causing the extra screaming waking in the middle of the night until yesterday afternoon she woke from her nap and started doing the jaw back and forth if she is rubbing her gum next to the new tooth that broke threw. Who knows.....but she is still doing the jaw thing and she woke up last night. She does go in for a follow up check up on Monday.....usually I wouldn't go...but since she has had this extra screaming and criyng....I just thought why not. At least they will be able to confirm to me that she is getting better or it is a combination of her sickness and teething....? I do want to give a shout out to my dad who helped me everyday last week so I could go teach my Body Attack class or go to meetings at work. It was definitely a tough week but I only pray that we are on the UP and UP.


Becka said...

Good times! I LOVE the family traditions and the time of year that reminds us of what its all about.
I hear ya on the sickness crud...we dealt with quite a mess for a few months...we finally kicked it right before Christmas! (I finally put her on meds.) you and the fam!

Lindsey @ The Hill House said...

Hey girl, I know you don't "know" me, but I am friends with Sabrina and Sheryl and think I met you once at Sheryl's engagement party (maybe?). Anyway, I occasionally read your blog since our kiddos are about the same age and Braylen's screaming fits caught my attention. I took my son to the doctor one time simply because he would have screaming fits like that. He had no signs of being sick; no runny nose, no cough, no fever-nothing. But when we went to the doctor it turns out he had an ear infection. I hope Braylen is only having trouble with her teeth, and gets better soon, but I did want to throw it out there to keep an eye on her ears too. Take care! -Lindsey