Thursday, August 26, 2010

5 weeks left....

So I went to the doctor today and I am getting routine ultrasounds prior to my normal appt. and everything looked good except her size. Ms. Joyce (the technician) kept saying to me well as long as you can make it full term her lungs will be good but she just might be small. She actually said this a couple of times and I was like....I feel fine, I don't doubt I won't make it full term. And then she mentioned well the only reason they would take you early is if she isn't growing anymore or your fluid is low....fluid is in check....yay...but growth isn't so good. The only reassuring thing she mentioned was that sometimes babies just grow better outside the belly.....I guess that is somewhat reassuring but I think Carsen is going to be okay. So then I went on to my regular appt and saw Dr. Franklin (I am apart of the midwife program but none were available so I saw her)....she looked through my records and the ultrasound that was just done and wants me to go back to the MATERNAL FETAL SPECIALIST....what???? Just when I thought I didn't have to go anymore they want me to go fair....! They want the specialist to monitor the growth again and do a full scan to make sure Carsen is growing right.....! Along with that, since Carsen has only a TWO VESSEL cord....I have to start getting an Ultrasound TWICE EVERY WEEK....what again? TWICE a week....geez....who has time for! I know it is all for the betterment of Carsen but didn't know I was going to have to be seen this much!

So that is the update on baby Carsen and I. I do feel great.....I had a rough few weeks a few weeks ago but I am a lot better now.....a little tired and uncomfortable but I do feel good! I am ready though....didn't think I would say that now but if she came today, I would be okay with it (minus her not being full term and small.) Well let me take that back....maybe just TWO more weeks so I can nail down the potty training with Braylen and she can start Mothers Morning Out Program again (school!) Speaking of potty training...check the blog below and also I promise to have picturess of Braylen's big girl room soon! It is ALMOST done.....I still want to put her curtian up, a couple of shelves and then find a fun bookcase or shelving unit (which I can wait for...this doesn't have to complete the room) before I get to snapping and sharing the photos. I will say though, she loves her room and LOVES her do is SUPER comfy!
This is a picture of Grant and I last weekend celebrating our 5 year anniversay. So I am 34 weeks pregnant here....!

This is just a fun photo to share of Braylen on our way to Charleston to visit Uncle Howie and Aunt Jojo! She was very excited!

1 comment:

The Lichtenberg's said...

You look GREAT! Glad to hear that you are feeling really good and I know it's a pain to go to the Dr. twice a week but at least you get to see your precious baby girl and see what she is up to for the day! Can't wait to see more updates!