Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Braylen turned 3!!!

(Braylen and her very best friend Georgia)

So for Braylen's big day we decided to give her a birthday party with several of her playdate friends. She was able to invite 10 kiddos. We had her party at Menchies (a local yogurt shop) and it was DELISH! They have a side party each kid had their own place settings...with crayons, stickers, tatoos, and shirt with the Menchie man on it (they were able to color him with fabric markers also.) Then the lady at Menchies did a small game with them, pin the topping on Menchie and she interacted with them by helping the kids color and asked them lots of questions.....she was wonderful! After all of that...they were then able to go get their yogurt...however much they wanted with whatever topping they wanted.....YES....the kids were in HEAVEN and it was before dinner time....the parents were going to kill! After all the sugary treats were consumed...Braylen got to blow out her candle on a single cupcake and then open presents.....she got some wonderful new things to play with...! Her party was a true success and I didn't have to make or clean up a nice that was!!! Then for her REAL birthday day....Braylen and mommy made cupcakes the night before and then I brought them to school to share with her friends. We made strawberry cupcakes with strawberry icing....she literally asked for this everytime someone asked her what she wanted for her birthday....and I wasn't going to complain because if I had to choose any flavor...that would have been my pic as well!!! Can you say similar tastebuds? Anywho, so I went to her school after their lunch and all the kids sang to Braylen and then devoured their icing....I mean cupcake. It was a wonderful treat for Carsen and i to go see Braylen at school...she was also excited to see us there and share her little sister with everyone!
All in all Braylen's celebrations were great and I can't believe she is already 3. She definitely looks like a 3 year old and acts like one too but I am not so sure I am ready for these years to go any faster! Braylen is so much fun these days, really smart, and has an imagination that I envy. I love how she loves and cuddles, and I especially love how she wants to be JUST LIKE ME! (everytime I turn a corner, she is doing something that I am doing or was I am very thankful for my blessings and for my Braylen....she is very special to us and will always be #1 in so many ways! Happy Birthday Booger Bear!

(About to sing Happy Birthday)

(She is my first and I love her so much)

(And yes, she is a lefty)

(Enjoying some yummy Yogurt!)

Monday, September 19, 2011

First day of preschool...

Preschool is in full swing! Braylen is going to First Baptist on M,W, & Th from 9-1. The first day she was anyone would be....but the second day she was excited to get to her classroom. Love that she is loving going to school. She is lucky to have her 3 other good girlfriends in her class....Georgia, Bella, and Tatem! On the second day of school....after I had picked her up....I asked Braylen what she learned and it was the blessing 'God our Father, repeat, Once again, repeat, Thank you for our blessings, repeat, Amen, repeat! She sang it straight to me...and I was so happy that she knew it and I knew exactly what she was singing. Isn't she so cute in the pictures below....she LOVES her packback (as she says.)

And this little booger is a mess! We are loving out time together while Braylen is at school but it is definitely not a break! She wants to play more with me since she is by herself then if I had Braylen here.....! Carsen's personality is totally starting to shine....she grunts when she wants something and definitely is persistent. She is so adorable and is very good with Braylen! She is almost 1 years old....where did the time go!?!?

Being goofy together!!! Whatever my big sis does, I want to do too!

Seriously caught this picture one afternoon. She must of come out of her room from her nap (but apparently wasn't done