Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Big Sis, Little Sis...

She is SO Sweet!

Big Sister, Little Sister....!

Braylen telling her to look at the camera and smile.....seriously she was!

Trying out the Bumbo to strengthen out the neck

My precious 2 year old with SOME attitude!

Bath time! They always take together and Braylen loves helping me bath Carsen!

Carsen LOVES bath time....perfect way to end the day! (check out that belly)

Laying in her crib just being happy!

***Life is still busy in our corner! Braylen has been an excellent big sister and has come a long way! Carsen is just the SWEETEST little baby ever.......and maybe I think that because she doesn't say much these days....lol!

Carsen is 10 weeks and her schedule is wake up and feed at 8:00am, stays awake for an hour then snoozes till 11:30 and she eats around 11:45 then plays for a bit, snoozes again and eats around 3:30-4:00....stays awake....fights sleep, then eats again around 7:00 stays awake, plays with Grant and Braylen, get bath, then falls asleep around 8:30 or so then I wake her to eat around 9:30 and then she is put down for the night no later than 10:00. She is still in the pack n play in my room but she is sleeping on her tummy which she enjoys much more than her back! She wakes around 3:30 or 4:00 to eat ( and it is not a lot) then I put her right back down. That feeding could possibly be done away with but I am just going to hold off right now since I enjoy the schedule we are on. Carsen goes for her 2 month appt. next week....i know....it is late....she will almost be 3 mths but I guess that is all they had available....ha! I am curious to know her weight....I think we might be getting close to moving to a 2 diaper....she is growing SO FAST!

1 comment:

Becka said...

Two of the sweetest faces I know!!! Great update!