Monday, January 3, 2011

The End of 2010

This is going ito be an extended post......
First let's start with Carsen, she went for her TWO month appt. at almost THREE and weighed 12lbs. She is a HEALTHY baby girl! Carsen is the sweetest thing in the world and is FULL of GUMMY smiles and COOing all day long! She has been such a great baby but KNOCK on wood...not sure what a bad baby consist of considering Braylen was really great also! She has had a couple snotty noses...where when she wakes up in the mornings she is FULL of GREEN boogers....poor girl and it is SUPER disgusting...! But other than that...she is a HEALTHY! She sleeps through the night and may wiggle around 4 or 5 in the morning...but I just put the passey in her mouth and then she wakes to eat around 8:00. So her schedule is GREAT and works well for our family! I moved Carsen to her CRIB January 1st and it was an EASY transition! I just remember being so worried, when I moved Braylen, if she was going to be okay or not, but honestly...of course they are going to be fine....they don't have a CLUE where they are long as they are still on their schedule and it is comfortable and warm....geez...why didn't I realize that the first go around...ha! I am definitely way more relaxed with Carsen than I ever was with that feeling!

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