Well ladies and gentlemen.....Carsen turned 7months on Easter! WOW.....we can't believe it has been 7months....she has changed so much but she is still such a little baby to us......and a sweet little baby she is.
Carsen is definitely still sitting up on her own and also rocking back and forth on all fours. I think if I gave her the opportunity she would be crawling already but I don't let her roam around on the floor too much by herself. You ask why, well she has a sister named Braylen and Braylen thinks she is Carsen's mommy and goes and picks her up, rolls her over, plays with her, just can't keep her hands off of her......hence probably why Carsen is sick 75% of the time...lol! Braylen just LOVES Carsen so much and just wants to play with her ALL DAY LONG! She could careless about anything else.....so I have to put Carsen in her jumperoo to keep Braylen away. I don't want to always keep them separated but it can get dangerous and Braylen needs to learn that she can't pick up the baby.....grrr! I am sure you can pick up on my frustrations. I feel like all I do all day long is tell Braylen to keep her hands off.....Carsen gets annoyed at times but then at other times Carsen is giggling so hard at Braylen.....oh well, right!?!
But back to Carsen for a minute, I think she is about to break skin on the top teeth....she has been showing signs of teething pretty bad.....! At this stage with Braylen.....Braylen had just broken 3 teeth on top and she was already crawling and she was about to start taking baths without the baby tub. We are definitely not there with Carsen as far as the crawling goes....she gets picked up too much to browse or explore on her own...ha! Carsen is a babbaler though...she will just go non stop and we always wonder what she is saying. She is so sweet and LOVES to be held! Her smile can light up a room.......!
She got the pleasure of spending time with Grandmommy and Granddaddy over Easter weekend, so that was a treat for all of us! Braylen clued them in on some things and couldn't keep her eyes off of Granddaddy....she would come tell us if he was sleeping (basically resting his eyes,) it was so funny! Braylen also got to read with Grandmommy and show off her SUPER reading skills....!
Easter was a fun day! We did church and then we got to go to my families house and visit, eat lunch and send Braylen on an Easter Egg hunt. It was so cute, she would find the egg, open it and go to town on the jelly beans! She was a very good Egg hunter though! Look forward to her racking up in the future!
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