Friday, February 20, 2009

5 MONTHS...... Bray baby turned 5 months yesterday.......I just can't believe it. As I said I was going to do, I started the RICE cereal at the beginning of the week. It was a mess/disaster the first day......all she wanted to do was hold the spoon and the bowl....and she would cry if she couldn't.....and not to mention she was VERY hungry. (probably the wrong time to try RICE cereal...ugh) So then Tuesday, I gave it another run, this time I nursed her like I normally would at her 4th feeding of the day...but I decided to cut it short. So after nursing I got her in the BUMBO seat and gave her a spoon to play with as I also fed her with my was alot better....still didn't finish the bowl. Wednesday, was a hectic we skipped it. Then, Thursday...we tried it again in the Bumbo seat and it went very smooth....finished the whole bowl and she was doing so much better opening her mouth and letting the spoon go in and sucking the food off the spoon. And, today....was WONDERFUL! I put her in her highchair this time....and put a little less water in the cereal (too make it thicker) and she ate it up (with of course it all over her mouth, hands, and the tray.....NO ONE SAID THIS WAS A CLEAN JOB....I need to relax on that part. I was wanting to clean up every drop that went down.....I know, annoying! So the first week of her fifth month, we accomplished her eating Rice cereal...every week I am going to change it up a adding more cereal, thickening it up, or adding a a flavor to we will see! I also need to tell you guys that Braylen is rolling back in forth, back in forth.....I may have already mentioned this, but it is now a huge deal...b/c everywhere I turn she is somewhere different...tummy or back....and across the room or the I am definitely more on my toes now. I am also piling pillows around her so she doesn't bump into things or roll off the bed. Speaking of piling pillows around her, I am working on her sitting up. She does a very good job sitting up and holding onto something but she isn't quite there by herself....I know it is soon. MAN TIME FLYS BY! A new thing for us that I haven't shared with you all is Braylen also slept in her CRIB today for her NAP. Her nap time is usually in her swing or Bobby seat and she falls asleep to music or Baby I said it is time for NAPs in her we did it and she did very well. I think she slept for about 1 1/2 hours....YAY Braylen.
Braylen also always gets to see all of our friends....we are very blessed that everyone loves Braylen, 1/2 as much as how we love her. I also had to throw in a pic of us strolling around in the jogging stroller...I love it and she is going to learn to love!

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