Friday, March 13, 2009

Breaking Skin....

So Braylen has broken skin with this one bottom tooth. You can feel is so sharp....still not very visable but dang it is sharp and definitely there. It has bothered her here and there and she has woken up during the night a few times but it isn't as bad as some people have said. We have all been super busy sorry for not posting...but I just wanted to give everyone a quick update before her 6 MONTH doc's appt. at the end of next week....wahoooo! I have already bought her first solids (outside of rice cereal) and am so ready to start. I am waiting to do it after her doc's appt. but I don't know if I can wait another week....I am just ready to see if she likes....! Maybe I will switch her Rice to Oatmeal....maybe that will help me feel like she is getting something new....ahahaha! Braylen also (this week) just started pushing up on ALL FOURS.....ladies and gentleman....she is soon to crawl I am sure....I know it will take awhile but being on all fours is a huge step in my eyes. She rocks back when she is on all fours and then is too cute! She is sitting up very good by herself...still needs assistance but doing good. I also just started today putting her in the restaurant high chairs and pulling her up to the was a first but she did excellent...I guess she was already ready for that and I didn't even know it. My precious little girl is growing way too fast...GOD IS SO GOOD!!! and AMAZING!!! This was just on my mind so I had to let you all know....but...there is so much more to I will be back in touch....! I will post pics tomorrow...hopefully ;)

1 comment:

The Lichtenberg's said...

I can’t believe she is already up on all fours! It is so sad to see them grow up so quickly but very exciting at the same time to watch them experience all of these new things!